Danny Segev
School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University
and Coller School of Management (by courtesy)
Email: segevdanny@tauex.tau.ac.il
Research Interests
Mathematical aspects of optimization: Stochastic, dynamic, combinatorial.
Computational/analytical questions in revenue management: Assortment planning, inventory control, pricing, scheduling.
Recent Publications (2023+)
Appeared / Accepted
Guillermo Gallego and Danny Segev. A constructive prophet inequality approach to the adaptive ProbeMax problem. Mathematical Programming (forthcoming).
Danny Segev. Near-optimal adaptive policies for serving stochastically departing customers. Operations Research (forthcoming).
Danny Segev. The continuous-time joint replenishment problem: eps-optimal policies via pairwise alignment. Management Science (forthcoming).
Ali Aouad, Jacob Feldman, Danny Segev, and Dennis Zhang. Click-based MNL: Algorithmic frameworks for modeling click data in assortment optimization. Management Science (forthcoming).
Yicheng Bai, Jacob Feldman, Danny Segev, Huseyin Topaloglu, and Laura Wagner. Assortment optimization under the multi-purchase Multinomial Logit choice model. Operations Research, 72(6):2631-2664, 2024.
Alon Rieger and Danny Segev. Quasi-polynomial time approximation schemes for assortment optimization under Mallows-based rankings. Mathematical Programming, 208:111-171, 2024.
Danny Segev. Approximation schemes for capacity-constrained assortment optimization under the Nested Logit model. Operations Research, 70(5):2820-2836, 2023.
Ali Aouad and Danny Segev. An approximate dynamic programming approach to the incremental knapsack problem. Operations Research, 71(4):1414-1433, 2023.
Ali Aouad, Jacob Feldman, and Danny Segev. The Exponomial choice model for assortment optimization: An alternative to the MNL model? Management Science, 69(5):2814-2832, 2023.
Yuri Faenza, Danny Segev, and Lingyi Zhang. Approximation algorithms for the generalized incremental knapsack problem. Mathematical Programming, 198:27-83, 2023.
Ali Aouad and Danny Segev. The stability of MNL-based demand under dynamic customer substitution and its algorithmic implications. Operations Research, 71(4):1216-1249, 2023.
In review / Working papers
Danny Segev. New approximation guarantees for the economic warehouse lot scheduling problem. Working paper.
Dan Nissim, Danny Segev, and Alfredo Torrico. Revenue maximization in choice-based matching markets. Working paper.
Danny Segev. Improved approximation guarantees for joint replenishment in continuous time. In submission to Mathematics of Operations Research.
Theo Barre, Omar El Housni, Marouane Ibn Brahim, Andrea Lodi, and Danny Segev. Assortment optimization with visibility constraints. In submission to Mathematical Programming.
Aviya Goldstein Feder and Danny Segev. Dynamic assortment optimization of horizontally-differentiated products: Improved approximations and universal constructions. In submission to Operations Research.
Danny Segev and Sahil Singla. Efficient approximation schemes for stochastic probing and prophet problems. In submission to Mathematics of Operations Research.
Jacob Feldman and Danny Segev. Dynamic pricing with menu costs: Approximation schemes and applications to grocery retail. In submission to Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
Omar El Housni, Marouane Ibn Brahim, and Danny Segev. Maximum load assortment optimization: Approximation algorithms and adaptivity gaps. In submission to Operations Research.